Guideline for Code of Practise for Industrial Radiography X-Ray

Guideline for Code of Practise for Industrial Radiography X-Ray

X-Ray equipment used in industrial radiography is subject to regulatory control in terms of Article 3(1) of the Hazardous Substances Act, 1973 (Act 15 of 1973), as amended. The body responsible for administering this legislation is SAHPRA: Radiation Control. This code of practice has been drawn up to limit the risk of overexposure of workers and members of the public, and to keep radiation doses as low as is reasonably achievable (ALARA principle).


Code of practice for industrial radiography – X-ray radiography

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Document Number: SAHPGL-RDN-XR-16
Version: 1
Date Updated: 31/08/2022
File Type: pdf
Category: Guideline
Unit: Radiation Control, x-rays