Fertilisers, farm feeds, agricultural remedies and stock remedies act, 1947 (act no. 36 of 1947)

Fertilisers, farm feeds, agricultural remedies and stock remedies act, 1947 (act no. 36 of 1947)

The Fertilisers, Farm Feeds, Agricultural Remedies and Stock Remedies Act provides for the registration of fertilisers, farm feeds, agricultural remedies, stock remedies, sterilising plants and pest control operators with the aim of regulating or prohibiting the importation, sale, acquisition, disposal or use of fertilisers, farm feeds, agricultural remedies, and stock remedies. Furthermore, it governs the use of antimicrobials for growth promotion and prophylaxis/metaphylaxis and the purchase of over-the-counter (OTC) antimicrobials by the lay public (chiefly farmers).

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Document Number: No. 3751
Version: CXLVII
Date Updated: 08/01/1947
File Type: pdf
Category: Act
Unit: Corporate